Pump house repair
March 05, 2020
This project was completed on March 12th, 2020 at 12:03 AM.
This is the reason for the repair that will need to be done on Wednesday March 11th, 2020. This is the water main that pushes the water from the Districts clear well into the Distribution lines. The nuts and bolts are deteriorating and the current pipe has sprung a leak, which makes this a major accident waiting to happen, and then the District would be unable to provide water while waiting for the materials, parts, and labor to repair. This is not a small repair that Poncelet is able to assist the District with, and was referred best suited for the repair being Central Plumbing. Central has been on site to get the details of materials needed to replace the sections, ordered the materials, and getting everything ready to do the work in as quick as a manner that is safe for them and the District. The District will not be able to push water into the Distribution mains while this work is being performed. We ask that NO WATER be used from 7:00 AM Wednesday March 11th until Central has completed the replacement. The only water that will be available will be what remains in the distribution lines and the elevated tank on the hill, which in case of a fire could need all water in the reserve. PLEASE notify friends and neighbors in the Village to NOT turn on any water faucets after 7:00 AM Wednesday March 11th until a notification is sent that the the District has resumed water service. Thank you.
If you haven’t already, make sure to sign up for alerts by text and/or email. A reminder will be sent out the day before and another when service is resumed. Only takes a minute to sign up at www.spvws.com. If you know of someone in the Village that does not text or email, let us know a phone number that a voice call can be made to so we can notify them.